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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Animation Color Change Css

Color in Motion: Exploring Animated Backgrounds with Modern CSS

The Allure of Color

Colors evoke emotions, set the mood, and enhance the user experience. They're ubiquitous on the World Wide Web, gracing websites, blogs, and social media platforms alike.

Animated Backgrounds: A Dynamic Canvas

Animated background colors add an extra dimension of visual appeal and engagement to web pages.

CSS, the styling language for websites, provides two straightforward methods for animating background colors:

  1. Keyframes: Define multiple states of the background color over time and let CSS interpolate the animation.
  2. CSS Animation Properties: Set properties like animation-duration and animation-name to create simple color transitions.

These techniques allow designers to create subtle color shifts, eye-catching gradients, or even complex color loops that continually morph before the user's eyes.


Color animation is a powerful tool that can elevate web design to new heights. By embracing the possibilities of CSS, designers can create dynamic and engaging background experiences that captivate users and leave a lasting impression. In this digital realm where colors reign supreme, animated backgrounds emerge as a symphony of motion and imagination.
